i think ……… the most precious & best things in life are |
big warm hugs | dAydreAmiNg | the way cAndles light your fAcE | LAUGHTER | un-tamed spirits & animals | s m i l e s from strangers | growth: in all means | Summer rain on my skiN | tHe unspoiled awareness and purity of children | my cat purring | borrowing tHe WINGS of a beautiful horse + FLY | freedom | tHe man of my dreams whispering i love you | feeling my BLooD rushing through my VeiNs | the thrill of speeding through alpine serpentines on a daytona | exploring + crossing mental and geographical borders | the s i l e n c e on top of a mountain | discover + wonder | experience stormy weather | never ever get caught in a rigid concept of thinking but keeping a flexible mindset and a FRESHNESS of PERCEPTION of people, the world and values | learn a new language | getting your hair wet in a summer rain | w a r m t h | to be able to say no | thyme | bubble baths, outdoors of course | dancing sober, especially in the MU D | your body floating in the water | tHe sound of the wind in trees | soft cushy pillows | TRAVEL as often as you can | A RIDE IN THE DESERT | passionate kisses | take that m i c r o p h o n e and SING | draw a picture like you’re still 4 years old | aNythiNg chocolate . home made cakes from my granny and home made sushi from my grandpa | remember how things taste | night walks at the oceanside and in the WooDs | SLEEP OUTSIDE EVERY SO OFTEN | plant a garden | DO GOOD 4 ANIMALS | l i v e your l i f e to the f u l l e s t .
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